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This has truly been a year of change and growth for Freedom in Christ Prison Ministry!  At our last Board Retreat, after many lively conversations, we nailed down our new mission statement, vision, and beliefs .  The board also voted to go ahead with plans to establish a new program for returning citizens to our Montana communities.  How do we make our communities a sanctuary for the returning citizen? By recognizing the truth that we are all Christ’s children. Freedom in Christ would like to help you start this conversation. We have begun the process of contacting our congregations in the Montana Synod to set up dates to come share our message about Freedom in Christ and Cellblock to Community. We are still in the process of developing the program. Be watching for updates as we progress!

The prison has increased Pastor Marlow’s time in the prison. We now have three worship services. There are also three non-denominational worship services one Sunday a month.  There are three Bible studies, and many weekly pastoral visits. This increase in services provided is so exciting! And the number of men attending has increased!  Good news indeed!

We are also working on doing some short videos that will post on our Facebook page and our website. If you aren’t subscribed to our blog, I invite you to  visit our website and sign up!  We also have plans to record sermons that Pastor Marlow does inside the prison so you can hear the same sermons the men hear. These will also be posted on the website.

Last, but not least, I want to thank you for continuing this journey with us and the men at Montana State Prison. Your support and prayers are so important and appreciated. And thank you for your financial support. Your dollars help keep us delivering the message of God’s abundant love and forgiveness. 

Just a friendly reminder that our website contains lots of little gems of information! Soon we will have stories added, sermons added, updates, program information, and an updated giving page. Remember, giving to Freedom in Christ is easy:  you can donate online at:


Or text the word GIVE to 833.881.0633, or mail your check to PO Box 617, Anaconda, MT 59711-0617.  Thank you for being a part of our community!