“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.”
Ecclesiastes 3:1
This verse is one of my favorites. It reminds me that there is always a beginning and an ending. That life is an evolution and not static. That change is inevitable. This is what helps me embrace any difficult change that comes along. We humans are not wired to accept change easily! My friends, we at Freedom in Christ understand this, but we must tell you that the season for Freedom in Christ Prison Ministries is coming to an end in February of 2025.
For the past few years, the board of Freedom in Christ Prison Ministry has been grappling with changes in the ministry. Our season started around 2006, when our synod was called to provide spiritual care to the men inside Montana State Prison because there was no full-time pastoral care available to them. FIC became a Synodically Authorized Worshiping Community in the prison in 2011 and a full-time pastor was called to serve offering worship services, Bible studies, and one-on-one pastoral visits. Because the men cannot be members of any type of organization inside the prison, they have always been unable to financially support the ministry and we had to rely on outside support from churches, organizations, and individuals.
Finances have always been a concern for the ministry. COVID was a strange blessing for us, otherwise we may have closed much sooner. During the pandemic we received funds from the government that put us in the black for the first time in the history of the ministry. For one year. After COVID gifts and donations began shrinking and we went back to operating at a loss. This year we are at a $13,000.00 deficit and our COVID reserve has dwindled. This is after our pastoral leader has dropped to half-time and receives no benefits. That said, God has provided for the men at MSP. During the past 14 years the prison has seen an increase of religious and spiritual programs being provided – from our 1 program in 2006 to almost two dozen programs for multiple faith groups with several volunteers! Yet, we are responsible for being good stewards of the gifts you provide to the ministry and unfortunately, the time has come and we no longer feel we are able to be good stewards.
And so, as everything has a season, it is time to close the ministry. We want you to know that this has been an extremely difficult decision to make, and it breaks our hearts. The Synod Council has been notified of our intent to close and they will tell us what the next actions look like. But, for now, we anticipate the end of February is when we will cease all activity within the prison.
“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” ~ C.S. Lewis
The Board voted to close Freedom in Christ on November 14, 2024. As a result, we are giving all those who sent in donations between November 1st and December 31, 2024, the option of allowing Freedom in Christ to keep the funds or have them returned. Some have already received letters explaining this. The remaining donors will receive letters in the next week. We need to receive a response as soon as possible. If a response is not received, we will return the donation to you as we cannot assume your intentions! Any donations received that are dated from January 1st forward will be returned to you. We will be closing down our accounts with PayPal, Vanco Bank, and our website giving page effective January 1, 2025. We have not received information on the procedure for left over funds at the end February when the doors close, but in all likelihood, it will be returned to either the Synod or churchwide in Chicago.
As we move forward into the unchartered waters of closure, we will keep you informed either through our website, email, or the Synod newsletter. Mass mailings are costly, so we will likely not send them out. Please keep us in your prayers as we move through the mechanisms of closing our doors.
On behalf of Pastor Marlow, the board, and the men at the prison, we just want to say a big thank you to each and every one of you for your unwavering support through the years. You are the reason why we were able to provide for our siblings inside the prison bringing them the Good News of Jesus, and walking with them in their faith journeys for so many years. Thank you for being a part of our mission: to transform lives through the power and presence of Jesus Christ! God Bless you all.
We are equipping our community for the Gospel with a ministry of presence. We are there: present and caring for others. Our message is not "get right with God" and you will be saved. Rather we walk alongside others in their trials, not promising to make it better, but only that they are loved and valued. We are a grace-based ministry.
"God’s grace has saved you because of your faith in Christ. Your salvation does not come from anything you do. It is God’s gift." Ephesians 2:8 NIRV